Source code for sdcclient._scanning

import base64
import json
import re
import time
from datetime import datetime
from warnings import warn

from requests.exceptions import RetryError
from requests_toolbelt.multipart.encoder import MultipartEncoder

from import ScanningAlertsClientV1

    from urllib.parse import quote_plus, unquote_plus
except ImportError:
    from urllib import quote_plus, unquote_plus

from sdcclient._common import _SdcCommon

[docs]class SdScanningClient(ScanningAlertsClientV1, _SdcCommon): def __init__(self, token="", sdc_url='', ssl_verify=True, custom_headers=None): super(SdScanningClient, self).__init__(token, sdc_url, ssl_verify, custom_headers) self.product = "SDS"
[docs] def add_image(self, image, force=False, dockerfile=None, annotations={}, autosubscribe=True): '''**Description** Add an image to the scanner **Arguments** - image: Input image can be in the following formats: registry/repo:tag - dockerfile: The contents of the dockerfile as a str. - annotations: A dictionary of annotations {str: str}. - autosubscribe: Should active the subscription to this image? **Success Return Value** A JSON object representing the image that was added. ''' itype = self._discover_inputimage_format(image) if itype != 'tag': return [False, "can only add a tag"] payload = {} if dockerfile: payload['dockerfile'] = base64.b64encode(dockerfile.encode()).decode("utf-8") payload['tag'] = image if annotations: payload['annotations'] = annotations url = "{base_url}/api/scanning/v1/anchore/images?autosubscribe={autosubscribe}{force}".format( base_url=self.url, autosubscribe=str(autosubscribe), force="&force=true" if force else "") res =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def get_image(self, image, show_history=False): '''**Description** Find the image with the tag <image> and return its json description **Arguments** - image: Input image can be in the following formats: registry/repo:tag **Success Return Value** A JSON object representing the image. ''' itype = self._discover_inputimage_format(image) if itype not in ['tag', 'imageid', 'imageDigest']: return [False, "cannot use input image string: no discovered imageDigest"] params = {} params['history'] = str(show_history and itype not in ['imageid', 'imageDigest']).lower() if itype == 'tag': params['fulltag'] = image url = self.url + "/api/scanning/v1/anchore/images" url += { 'imageid': '/by_id/{}'.format(image), 'imageDigest': '/{}'.format(image) }.get(itype, '') res = self.http.get(url, params=params, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def list_images(self): '''**Description** List the current set of images in the scanner. **Arguments** - None **Success Return Value** A JSON object containing all the images. ''' url = self.url + "/api/scanning/v1/anchore/images" res = self.http.get(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def list_image_tags(self): """ Lists the current set of image tags in the scanner. Returns: A JSON object containing all the image tags. """ url = self.url + "/api/scanning/v1/anchore/summaries/imagetags" res = self.http.get(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def list_whitelisted_cves(self): '''**Description** List the whitelisted global CVEs. **Arguments** - None **Success Return Value** A JSON object containing all the whitelisted CVEs. **Deprecated** This method has been deprecated since the API has changed. Use the list_vulnerability_exception_bundles and get_vulnerability_exception_bundle methods. ''' warn("list_whitelisted_cves has been deprecated and doesn't work properly, please use the " "list_vulnerability_exception_bundles and get_vulnerability_exception_bundle methods", DeprecationWarning, 3) url = self.url + "/api/scanning/v1/whitelists/global?bundle=default" res = self.http.get(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def query_image_content(self, image, content_type=""): '''**Description** Find the image with the tag <image> and return its content. **Arguments** - image: Input image can be in the following formats: registry/repo:tag - content_type: The content type can be one of the following types: - os: Operating System Packages - files: Files - npm: Node.JS NPM Module - gem: Ruby GEM - python: Python modules - java: Java packages **Success Return Value** A JSON object representing the image content. ''' content_type = content_type.lower() supported_types = ["os", "files", "npm", "gem", "python", "java"] if content_type not in supported_types: return False, f"unsupported type provided: {content_type}, must be one of {supported_types}" return self._query_image(image, query_group='content', query_type=content_type)
[docs] def query_image_metadata(self, image, metadata_type=""): '''**Description** Find the image with the tag <image> and return its metadata. **Arguments** - image: Input image can be in the following formats: registry/repo:tag - metadata_type: The metadata type can be one of the types returned by running without a type specified **Success Return Value** A JSON object representing the image metadata. ''' return self._query_image(image, query_group='metadata', query_type=metadata_type)
[docs] def query_image_vuln(self, image, vuln_type="", vendor_only=True): '''**Description** Find the image with the tag <image> and return its vulnerabilities. **Arguments** - image: Input image can be in the following formats: registry/repo:tag - vuln_type: Vulnerability type can be one of the following types: - os: CVE/distro vulnerabilities against operating system packages **Success Return Value** A JSON object representing the image vulnerabilities. ''' return self._query_image(image, query_group='vuln', query_type=vuln_type, vendor_only=vendor_only)
[docs] def query_images_by_vulnerability(self, vulnerability_id, namespace=None, package=None, severity=None, vendor_only=True): '''**Description** Search system for images with the given vulnerability ID present **Arguments** - vulnerability_id: Search for images vulnerable to this vulnerability ID (e.g. CVE-1999-0001) - namespace: Filter results to images with vulnerable packages in the given namespace (e.g. debian:9) - package: Filter results to images with the given vulnerable package name (e.g. sed) - severity: Filter results to images with the given vulnerability severity (e.g. Medium) - vendor_only: Only show images with vulnerabilities explicitly deemed applicable by upstream OS vendor, if present **Success Return Value** A JSON object representing the images. ''' url = "{base_url}/api/scanning/v1/anchore/query/images/by_vulnerability?vulnerability_id={vulnerability_id}{namespace}{package}{severity}&vendor_only={vendor_only}".format( base_url=self.url, vulnerability_id=vulnerability_id, namespace="&namespace={}".format(namespace) if namespace else "", package="&affected_package={}".format(package) if package else "", severity="&severity={}".format(severity) if severity else "", vendor_only=vendor_only) res = self.http.get(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def query_images_by_package(self, name, version=None, package_type=None): '''**Description** Search system for images with the given package installed **Arguments** - name: Search for images with this package name (e.g. sed) - version: Filter results to only packages with given version (e.g. 4.4-1) - package-type: Filter results to only packages of given type (e.g. dpkg) **Success Return Value** A JSON object representing the images. ''' url = "{base_url}/api/scanning/v1/anchore/query/images/by_package?name={name}{version}{package_type}".format( base_url=self.url, name=name, version="&version={}".format(version) if version else "", package_type="&package_type={}".format(package_type) if package_type else "") res = self.http.get(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
def _query_image(self, image, query_group="", query_type="", vendor_only=True): if not query_group: raise Exception("need to specify a query group") _, _, image_digest = self._discover_inputimage(image) if not image_digest: return [False, "cannot use input image string (no discovered imageDigest)"] url = "{base_url}/api/scanning/v1/anchore/images/{image_digest}/{query_group}/{query_type}{vendor_only}".format( base_url=self.url, image_digest=image_digest, query_group=query_group, query_type=query_type if query_type else '', vendor_only="?vendor_only={}".format(vendor_only) if query_group == 'vuln' else '') res = self.http.get(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def delete_image(self, image, force=False): '''**Description** Delete image from the scanner. **Arguments** - None ''' _, _, image_digest = self._discover_inputimage(image) if not image_digest: return [False, "cannot use input image string: no discovered imageDigest"] url = self.url + "/api/scanning/v1/anchore/images/" + image_digest res = self.http.delete(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def check_image_evaluation(self, image, show_history=False, detail=False, tag=None, policy=None): '''**Description** Check the latest policy evaluation for an image **Arguments** - image: Input image can be in the following formats: registry/repo:tag - show_history: Show all previous policy evaluations - detail: Show detailed policy evaluation report - tag: Specify which TAG is evaluated for a given image ID or Image Digest - policy: Specify which POLICY to use for evaluate (defaults currently active policy) **Success Return Value** A JSON object representing the evaluation status. ''' itype, _, image_digest = self._discover_inputimage(image) if not image_digest: return [False, "could not get image record from anchore"] if not tag and itype != 'tag': return [False, "input image name is not a tag, and no --tag is specified"] thetag = tag if tag else image url = "{base_url}/api/scanning/v1/anchore/images/{image_digest}/check?history={history}&detail={detail}&tag={tag}{policy_id}" url = url.format( base_url=self.url, image_digest=image_digest, history=str(show_history).lower(), detail=str(detail).lower(), tag=thetag, policy_id=("&policyId=%s" % policy) if policy else "") res = self.http.get(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def get_pdf_report(self, image, tag=None, date=None): '''**Description** Get a pdf report of one image **Arguments** - image: Input image can be in the following formats: registry/repo:tag - tag: Specify which TAG is evaluated for a given image ID or Image Digest - date: date for the report of interest, the format is 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ', if not provided the latest report will be returned **Success Return Value** The pdf content ''' image_type, _, image_digest = self._discover_inputimage(image) if not image_digest: return [False, "could not get image record from anchore"] if not tag and image_type != 'tag': return [False, "input image name is not a tag"] image_tag = tag if tag else image url = "{base_url}/api/scanning/v1/images/{image_digest}/report?tag={tag}{at}".format( base_url=self.url, image_digest=image_digest, tag=image_tag, at=("&at=%s" % date) if date else "") res = self.http.get(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.content]
[docs] def get_latest_pdf_report_by_digest(self, image_digest, full_tag=None): '''**Description** Get the latest pdf report of one image digest **Arguments** - image_digest: Input image digest should be in the following formats: sha256:134dhgfd65765 - tag: Specify which FULLTAG is evaluated for a given Image Digest: **Success Return Value** The pdf content ''' url = "{base_url}/api/scanning/v1/images/{image_digest}/report?tag={tag}".format( base_url=self.url, image_digest=image_digest, tag=full_tag) res = self.http.get(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.content]
[docs] def import_image(self, infile, image_id, digest_id, image_name, sync=False): '''**Description** Import an image archive **Arguments** - infile: An image archive file - sync: Whether the import should be synchronous or asynchronous **Success Return Value** If synchronous, A JSON object representing the image that was imported. ''' try: m = MultipartEncoder( fields={'archive_file': (infile, open(infile, 'rb'), 'text/plain')} ) if sync: url = self.url + "/api/scanning/v1/anchore/import/images" else: url = self.url + "/api/scanning/v1/import/images" headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + self.token, 'Content-Type': m.content_type, 'imageId': image_id, 'digestId': digest_id, 'imageName': image_name} res =, data=m, headers=headers, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json() if sync else res.content] except Exception as err: print(err)
[docs] def get_anchore_users_account(self): '''**Description** Get the anchore user account. **Arguments** - None **Success Return Value** A JSON object containing user account information. ''' url = self.url + "/api/scanning/v1/account" res = self.http.get(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def get_image_scan_result_by_id(self, image_id, full_tag_name, detail): '''**Description** Get the anchore image scan result for an image id. **Arguments** - image_id: Docker image id of the image whose scan result is to be fetched. - full_tag_name: The complete tag name of the image for e.g. - detail: Boolean to indicate whether full scan result API is needed. **Success Return Value** A JSON object containing pass/fail status of image scan policy. ''' url = "{base_url}/api/scanning/v1/anchore/images/by_id/{image_id}/check?tag={full_tag_name}&detail={detail}".format( base_url=self.url, image_id=image_id, full_tag_name=full_tag_name, detail=detail) res = self.http.get(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def add_registry(self, registry, registry_user, registry_pass, insecure=False, registry_type="docker_v2", validate=True): '''**Description** Add image registry **Arguments** - registry: Full hostname/port of registry. Eg. - registry_user: Username - registry_pass: Password - insecure: Allow connection to registry without SSL cert checks (ex: if registry uses a self-signed SSL certificate) - registry_type: Specify the registry type. 'docker_v2' and 'awsecr' are supported (default='docker_v2') - validate: If set to 'False' will not attempt to validate registry/creds on registry add **Success Return Value** A JSON object representing the registry. ''' registry_types = ['docker_v2', 'awsecr'] if registry_type and registry_type not in registry_types: return [False, "input registry type not supported (supported registry_types: " + str(registry_types)] if self._registry_string_is_valid(registry): return [False, "input registry name cannot contain '/' characters - valid registry names are of the form <host>:<port> where :<port> is optional"] if not registry_type: registry_type = self._get_registry_type(registry) payload = { 'registry': registry, 'registry_user': registry_user, 'registry_pass': registry_pass, 'registry_type': registry_type, 'registry_verify': not insecure} url = "{base_url}/api/scanning/v1/anchore/registries?validate={validate}".format( base_url=self.url, validate=validate) res =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def update_registry(self, registry, registry_user, registry_pass, insecure=False, registry_type="docker_v2", validate=True): '''**Description** Update an existing image registry. **Arguments** - registry: Full hostname/port of registry. Eg. - registry_user: Username - registry_pass: Password - insecure: Allow connection to registry without SSL cert checks (ex: if registry uses a self-signed SSL certificate) - registry_type: Specify the registry type. 'docker_v2' and 'awsecr' are supported (default='docker_v2') - validate: If set to 'False' will not attempt to validate registry/creds on registry add **Success Return Value** A JSON object representing the registry. ''' if self._registry_string_is_valid(registry): return [False, "input registry name cannot contain '/' characters - valid registry names are of the form <host>:<port> where :<port> is optional"] payload = { 'registry': registry, 'registry_user': registry_user, 'registry_pass': registry_pass, 'registry_type': registry_type, 'registry_verify': not insecure} url = "{base_url}/api/scanning/v1/anchore/registries/{registry}?validate={validate}".format( base_url=self.url, registry=registry, validate=validate) res = self.http.put(url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def delete_registry(self, registry): '''**Description** Delete an existing image registry **Arguments** - registry: Full hostname/port of registry. Eg. ''' # do some input string checking if re.match(".*\\/.*", registry): return [False, "input registry name cannot contain '/' characters - valid registry names are of the form <host>:<port> where :<port> is optional"] url = self.url + "/api/scanning/v1/anchore/registries/" + registry res = self.http.delete(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def list_registry(self): '''**Description** List all current image registries **Arguments** - None **Success Return Value** A JSON object representing the list of registries. ''' url = self.url + "/api/scanning/v1/anchore/registries" res = self.http.get(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def get_registry(self, registry): '''**Description** Find the registry and return its json description **Arguments** - registry: Full hostname/port of registry. Eg. **Success Return Value** A JSON object representing the registry. ''' if self._registry_string_is_valid(registry): return [False, "input registry name cannot contain '/' characters - valid registry names are of the form <host>:<port> where :<port> is optional"] url = self.url + "/api/scanning/v1/anchore/registries/" + registry res = self.http.get(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
def _get_registry_type(self, registry): if re.match("[0-9]+\\.dkr\\.ecr\\..*\\.amazonaws\\.com", registry): return "awsecr" return "docker_v2" def _registry_string_is_valid(self, registry): return re.match(".*\\/.*", registry)
[docs] def add_repo(self, repo, autosubscribe=True, lookuptag=None): '''**Description** Add a repository **Arguments** - repo: Input repository can be in the following formats: registry/repo - autosubscribe: If unset, instruct the engine to disable subscriptions for any discovered tags. - lookuptag: Specify a tag to use for repo tag scan if 'latest' tag does not exist in the repo. **Success Return Value** A JSON object representing the repo. ''' url = "{base_url}/api/scanning/v1/anchore/repositories?repository={repo}&autosubscribe={autosubscribe}{lookuptag}".format( base_url=self.url, repo=repo, autosubscribe=autosubscribe, lookuptag="&lookuptag={}".format(lookuptag) if lookuptag else "") res =, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def watch_repo(self, repo): '''**Description** Instruct engine to start automatically watching the repo for image updates **Arguments** - repo: Input repository can be in the following formats: registry/repo ''' return self.activate_subscription('repo_update', repo)
[docs] def unwatch_repo(self, repo): '''**Description** Instruct engine to stop automatically watching the repo for image updates **Arguments** - repo: Input repository can be in the following formats: registry/repo ''' return self.deactivate_subscription('repo_update', repo)
[docs] def delete_repo(self, repo): '''**Description** Delete a repository from the watch list (does not delete already analyzed images) **Arguments** - repo: Input repository can be in the following formats: registry/repo ''' return self.delete_subscription('repo_update', repo)
[docs] def list_repos(self): '''**Description** List added repositories **Arguments** - None **Success Return Value** A JSON object representing the list of repositories. ''' return self.get_subscriptions("repo_update")
[docs] def get_repo(self, repo): '''**Description** Get a repository **Arguments** - repo: Input repository can be in the following formats: registry/repo **Success Return Value** A JSON object representing the registry. ''' return self.get_subscriptions("repo_update", repo)
[docs] def add_policy(self, name, rules, comment="", bundleid=None): '''**Description** Create a new policy **Arguments** - name: The name of the policy. - rules: A list of Anchore PolicyRule elements (while creating/updating a policy, new rule IDs will be created backend side) - comment: A human-readable description. - bundleid: Target bundle. If not specified, the currently active bundle will be used. **Success Return Value** A JSON object containing the policy description. ''' policy = { 'name': name, 'comment': comment, 'rules': rules, 'version': '1_0' } if bundleid: policy['policyBundleId'] = bundleid url = self.url + '/api/scanning/v1/policies' data = json.dumps(policy) res =, headers=self.hdrs, data=data, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def list_policy_bundles(self, detail=False): url = "{base_url}/api/scanning/v1/anchore/policies?detail={detail}".format( base_url=self.url, detail=str(detail)) res = self.http.get(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def list_policies(self, bundleid=None): '''**Description** List the current set of scanning policies. **Arguments** - bundleid: Target bundle. If not specified, the currently active bundle will be used. **Success Return Value** A JSON object containing the list of policies. ''' url = self.url + '/api/scanning/v1/policies' if bundleid: url += '?bundleId=' + bundleid res = self.http.get(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def get_policy(self, policyid, bundleid=None): '''**Description** Retrieve the policy with the given id in the targeted policy bundle **Arguments** - policyid: Unique identifier associated with this policy. - bundleid: Target bundle. If not specified, the currently active bundle will be used. **Success Return Value** A JSON object containing the policy description. ''' ok, policies = self.list_policies(bundleid) if not ok: return [ok, policies] for policy in policies: if policy["id"] == policyid: return [True, policy] return [False, "Policy not found"]
[docs] def update_policy(self, policyid, policy_description): '''**Description** Update the policy with the given id **Arguments** - policyid: Unique identifier associated with this policy. - policy_description: A dictionary with the policy description. **Success Return Value** A JSON object containing the policy description. ''' url = self.url + '/api/scanning/v1/policies/' + policyid data = json.dumps(policy_description) res = self.http.put(url, headers=self.hdrs, data=data, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def delete_policy(self, policyid, bundleid=None): '''**Description** Delete the policy with the given id in the targeted policy Bundle **Arguments** - policyid: Unique identifier associated with this policy. - policy_description: A dictionary with the policy description. ''' url = self.url + '/api/scanning/v1/policies/' + policyid if bundleid: url += '?bundleId=' + bundleid res = self.http.delete(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.text]
[docs] def add_alert(self, name, description=None, scope="", triggers={'failed': True, 'unscanned': True}, enabled=False, notification_channels=[]): ''' Create a new alert **Warning**: `add_alert` is deprecated and will be removed soon, use `add_runtime_alert` or `add_repository_alert` from `ScanningAlertsClientV1` instead. Args: name(str): The name of the alert. description(str): The descprition of the alert. scope(str): An AND-composed string of predicates that selects the scope in which the alert will be applied. (like: 'host.domain = "" and container.image != "alpine:latest"') tiggers(dict): A dict {str: bool} indicating wich triggers should be enabled/disabled. (default: {'failed': True, 'unscanned': True}) enabled(bool): Whether this alert should actually be applied. notification_channels(list): A list of notification channel ids. Returns: A JSON object containing the alert description. .. deprecated:: `add_alert` is deprecated and will be removed soon, use `add_runtime_alert` or `add_repository_alert` from `ScanningAlertsClientV1` instead. ''' alert = { 'name': name, 'description': description, 'triggers': triggers, 'scope': scope, 'enabled': enabled, 'autoscan': True, 'notificationChannelIds': notification_channels, } url = self.url + '/api/scanning/v1/alerts' data = json.dumps(alert) res =, headers=self.hdrs, data=data, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def update_alert(self, alertid, alert_description): ''' Update the alert with the given id. **Warning**: `update_alert` is deprecated and will be removed soon, use `update_runtime_alert` or `update_repository_alert` from `ScanningAlertsClientV1` instead. Args: alertid(str): Unique identifier associated with this alert. alert_description(str): A dictionary with the alert description. Returns: A JSON object containing the alert description. .. deprecated:: `update_alert` is deprecated and will be removed soon, use `update_runtime_alert` or `update_repository_alert` from `ScanningAlertsClientV1` instead. ''' url = self.url + '/api/scanning/v1/alerts/' + alertid data = json.dumps(alert_description) res = self.http.put(url, headers=self.hdrs, data=data, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def get_subscriptions(self, subscription_type=None, subscription_key=None): '''**Description** Get the list of subscriptions **Arguments** - subscription_type: Type of subscription. Valid options: - 'tag_update': Receive notification when new image is pushed - 'policy_eval': Receive notification when image policy status changes - 'vuln_update': Receive notification when vulnerabilities are added, removed or modified - 'repo_update': Receive notification when a repo is updated - subscription_key: Fully qualified name of tag to subscribe to. Eg. ''' url = self.url + "/api/scanning/v1/anchore/subscriptions/" if subscription_key or subscription_type: url += "?" if subscription_key: url += "subscription_key={}&".format(subscription_key) if subscription_type: url += "subscription_type={}".format(subscription_type) res = self.http.get(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def activate_subscription(self, subscription_type, subscription_key): '''**Description** Activate a subscription **Arguments** - subscription_type: Type of subscription. Valid options: - 'tag_update': Receive notification when new image is pushed - 'policy_eval': Receive notification when image policy status changes - 'vuln_update': Receive notification when vulnerabilities are added, removed or modified - 'repo_update': Receive notification when a repo is updated - subscription_key: Fully qualified name of tag to subscribe to. Eg. ''' return self._update_subscription(subscription_type, subscription_key, True)
[docs] def deactivate_subscription(self, subscription_type, subscription_key): '''**Description** Deactivate a subscription **Arguments** - subscription_type: Type of subscription. Valid options: - 'tag_update': Receive notification when new image is pushed - 'policy_eval': Receive notification when image policy status changes - 'vuln_update': Receive notification when vulnerabilities are added, removed or modified - 'repo_update': Receive notification when a repo is updated - subscription_key: Fully qualified name of tag to subscribe to. Eg. ''' return self._update_subscription(subscription_type, subscription_key, False)
[docs] def delete_subscription(self, subscription_type, subscription_key): '''**Description** Delete a subscription **Arguments** - subscription_type: Type of subscription. Valid options: - 'tag_update': Receive notification when new image is pushed - 'policy_eval': Receive notification when image policy status changes - 'vuln_update': Receive notification when vulnerabilities are added, removed or modified - 'repo_update': Receive notification when a repo is updated - subscription_key: Fully qualified name of tag to subscribe to. Eg. ''' try: url = self._subscription_url(subscription_type, subscription_key) except Exception as err: return [False, err] res = self.http.delete(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
def _update_subscription(self, subscription_type, subscription_key, activate): try: url = self._subscription_url(subscription_type, subscription_key) except Exception as err: return [False, err] payload = {'active': activate, 'subscription_key': subscription_key, 'subscription_type': subscription_type} res = self.http.put(url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()] def _subscription_url(self, subscription_type, subscription_key): ok, res = self.get_subscriptions(subscription_type, subscription_key) if not ok: raise Exception(res) if len(res) != 1: raise Exception("Subscription {} doesn't exist".format(subscription_key)) id = res[0].get("subscription_id", None) if not id: raise Exception("Subscription malformed") return self.url + "/api/scanning/v1/anchore/subscriptions/" + id
[docs] def list_subscription(self): '''**Description** List all subscriptions **Arguments** - None **Success Return Value** A JSON object representing the list of subscriptions. ''' return self.get_subscriptions()
[docs] def list_runtime(self, scope="", skip_policy_evaluation=True, start_time=None, end_time=None): '''**Description** List runtime containers **Arguments** - scope: An AND-composed string of predicates that selects the scope in which the alert will be applied. (like: 'host.domain = "" and container.image != "alpine:latest"') - skip_policy_evaluation: If true, no policy evaluations will be triggered for the images. - start_time: Start of the time range (integer of unix time). - end_time: End of the time range (integer of unix time). **Success Return Value** A JSON object representing the list of runtime containers. ''' containers = { 'scope': scope, 'skipPolicyEvaluation': skip_policy_evaluation } if start_time or end_time: containers['time'] = {} containers['time']['from'] = int(start_time * 100000) if start_time else 0 end_time = end_time if end_time else time.time() containers['time']['to'] = int(end_time * 1000000) url = self.url + '/api/scanning/v1/query/containers' data = json.dumps(containers) res =, headers=self.hdrs, data=data, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
def _discover_inputimage_format(self, input_string): itype = None if re.match("^sha256:[0-9a-fA-F]{64}", input_string): itype = 'imageDigest' elif re.match("[0-9a-fA-F]{64}", input_string): itype = 'imageid' else: itype = 'tag' return itype def _discover_inputimage(self, input_string): patt = re.match(".*(sha256:.*)", input_string) if patt: urldigest = quote_plus( return "digest", input_string, urldigest try: digest = unquote_plus(str(input_string)) for tpe in ["sha256", "local"]: patt = re.match(".*({}:.*)".format(tpe), digest) if patt: return "imageDigest", input_string, input_string except Exception: pass urldigest = None ret_type = "tag" ok, ret = self.get_image(input_string) if ok: image_record = ret[0] urldigest = image_record.get('imageDigest', None) for image_detail in image_record.get('image_detail', []): if input_string == image_detail.get('imageId', ''): ret_type = "imageid" break return ret_type, input_string, urldigest
[docs] def get_vulnerability_details(self, id): if id is None: return [False, "No vulnerability ID provided"] url = f"{self.url}/api/scanning/v1/anchore/query/vulnerabilities" params = { "id": id, } res = self.http.get(url, params=params, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] json_res = res.json() if "vulnerabilities" not in json_res or not json_res["vulnerabilities"]: return [False, f"Vulnerability {id} was not found"] return [True, json_res["vulnerabilities"][0]]
[docs] def add_vulnerability_exception_bundle(self, name, comment=""): if not name: return [False, "A name is required for the exception bundle"] url = f"{self.url}/api/scanning/v1/vulnexceptions" params = { "version": "1_0", "name": name, "comment": comment, } data = json.dumps(params) res =, headers=self.hdrs, data=data, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def delete_vulnerability_exception_bundle(self, id): url = self.url + f"/api/scanning/v1/vulnexceptions/{id}" res = self.http.delete(url, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, None]
[docs] def list_vulnerability_exception_bundles(self): url = f"{self.url}/api/scanning/v1/vulnexceptions" params = { "bundleId": "default", } res = self.http.get(url, params=params, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.json()]
[docs] def get_vulnerability_exception_bundle(self, bundle): url = f"{self.url}/api/scanning/v1/vulnexceptions/{bundle}" params = { "bundleId": "default", } res = self.http.get(url, params=params, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] res_json = res.json() for item in res_json["items"]: item["trigger_id"] = str(item["trigger_id"]).rstrip("+*") return [True, res_json]
[docs] def add_vulnerability_exception(self, bundle, cve, note=None, expiration_date=None): url = f"{self.url}/api/scanning/v1/vulnexceptions/{bundle}/vulnerabilities" params = { "gate": "vulnerabilities", "is_busy": False, "trigger_id": f"{cve}+*", "expiration_date": int(expiration_date) if expiration_date else None, "notes": note, } data = json.dumps(params) res =, headers=self.hdrs, data=data, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] res_json = res.json() res_json["trigger_id"] = str(res_json["trigger_id"]).rstrip("+*") return [True, res_json]
[docs] def delete_vulnerability_exception(self, bundle, id): url = f"{self.url}/api/scanning/v1/vulnexceptions/{bundle}/vulnerabilities/{id}" params = { "bundleId": "default", } res = self.http.delete(url, params=params, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, None]
[docs] def update_vulnerability_exception(self, bundle, id, cve, enabled, note, expiration_date): url = f"{self.url}/api/scanning/v1/vulnexceptions/{bundle}/vulnerabilities/{id}" data = { "id": id, "gate": "vulnerabilities", "trigger_id": f"{cve}+*", "enabled": enabled, "notes": note, "expiration_date": int(expiration_date) if expiration_date else None, } params = { "bundleId": "default", } res = self.http.put(url, data=json.dumps(data), params=params, headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] res_json = res.json() res_json["trigger_id"] = str(res_json["trigger_id"]).rstrip("+*") return [True, res_json]
[docs] def download_cve_report_csv(self, vuln_type="os", scope_type="static"): """ Downloads a CVE report in CSV format Args: vuln_type (str): Vulnerability type, can be either "os" or "non-os". scope_type (str): Scope type. Can be either "static" or "runtime". Returns: A tuple of (bool, str). The first parameter, if true, means that the result is correct, while if false, means that there's been an error. The second parameter will hold the response of the API call. """ url = f"{self.url}/api/scanning/v1/reports/csv" params = { "queryType": "vuln", "scopeType": scope_type, "staticScope": { "registry": "", "repository": "", "tag": "" }, "runtimeScope": {}, "imageQueryFilter": {"vType": vuln_type}, "offset": 0, "limit": 100000 } res =, data=json.dumps(params), headers=self.hdrs, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] return [True, res.content.decode("utf-8")]
[docs] def get_image_scanning_results(self, image_name, policy_id=None): ''' Args: image_name (str): Image name to retrieve the scanning results from policy_id (str): Policy ID to check against. If not specified, will check against all policies. Returns: A tuple of (bool, str). The first parameter, if true, means that the result is correct, while if false, means that there's been an error. The second parameter will hold the response of the API call. ''' try: ok, res = self.get_image(image_name) if not ok: return ok, res image_digest = res[0]["imageDigest"] image_tag = res[0]["image_detail"][0]["fulltag"] except RetryError: return [False, "could not retrieve image digest for the given image name, " "ensure that the image has been scanned"] url = f"{self.url}/api/scanning/v1/images/{image_digest}/policyEvaluation" params = { "tag": image_tag, } res = self.http.get(url, headers=self.hdrs, params=params, verify=self.ssl_verify) if not self._checkResponse(res): return [False, self.lasterr] json_res = res.json() result = { "image_digest": json_res["imageDigest"], "image_id": json_res["imageId"], "status": json_res["status"], "image_tag": image_tag, "total_stop": json_res["nStop"], "total_warn": json_res["nWarn"], "last_evaluation": datetime.utcfromtimestamp(json_res["at"]), "policy_id": "*", "policy_name": "All policies", "warn_results": [], "stop_results": [] } if policy_id: policy_results = [result for result in json_res["results"] if result["policyId"] == policy_id] if policy_results: filtered_result_by_policy_id = policy_results[0] result["policy_id"] = filtered_result_by_policy_id["policyId"] result["policy_name"] = filtered_result_by_policy_id["policyName"] result["total_stop"] = filtered_result_by_policy_id["nStop"] result["total_warn"] = filtered_result_by_policy_id["nWarn"] result["warn_results"] = [rule_result["checkOutput"] for gate_result in filtered_result_by_policy_id["gateResults"] for rule_result in gate_result["ruleResults"] if rule_result["gateAction"] == "warn"] result["stop_results"] = [rule_result["checkOutput"] for gate_result in filtered_result_by_policy_id["gateResults"] for rule_result in gate_result["ruleResults"] if rule_result["gateAction"] == "stop"] else: return [False, "the specified policy ID doesn't exist"] else: result["warn_results"] = [rule_result["checkOutput"] for result in json_res["results"] for gate_result in result["gateResults"] for rule_result in gate_result["ruleResults"] if rule_result["gateAction"] == "warn"] result["stop_results"] = [rule_result["checkOutput"] for result in json_res["results"] for gate_result in result["gateResults"] for rule_result in gate_result["ruleResults"] if rule_result["gateAction"] == "stop"] return [True, result]